Starting Over in Real Time with Aimee Allen
A series about what it's really like to start over in your thirties, told in real-time, and how I am trying to navigate my way through a confusing juncture in life. I have suddenly realized the life I am living is not the life I want. In this podcast, I will be documenting my journey of what it is like to make a complete 180 in life. In each episode, I will be sharing every step of my journey, as it’s unfolding in real-time; the good, the bad, the ugly. From starting a side hustle, to completely reconsidering and questioning every goal I made for myself in my twenties, I will be taking you on this journey with me to figure out my life all over again. Listen wherever you get your podcasts! Subscribe to hear new episodes. And of course, share this with someone you think would relate to this pod! Rate and review us 5 starts to help get this podcast out there. I am grateful for any and all your support as we are brand new!
Starting Over in Real Time with Aimee Allen
E51: I Visited 2 Print Shops and Got 2 Different Prices for Thank You Cards and Branded Stickers.
I went to 2 different print shops to get some quotes for the things I want to print as part of my packaging.
I designed a thank you card that I will add to each and every beach bag. I also want to use my logo and create a large sticker that I will use as part of my packaging.
I will need to print 220 of these two items separately. I didn't expect the cost to be cheap, but I got two crazy different prices from the two print shops I went to.
The first print shop quoted me 600 AED for 220, 10cm by 10cm thank you cards, printed in color and on card style paper. Thats over $150 for just the thank you card. They also quoted me 30 AED per each sticker that I wanted to print. So for 220 stickers, that would 6,600 AED, which is about $1800. That was a crazy amount of money to spend on stickers.
The second print shop I went to visit quoted me 300 AED for the same thank you cards, and 400 AED for the same stickers that I wanted to get. That is a total of 700 AED, which is $190. When you spread out that cost per beach bag, that add .90 cents to each bag, and that feels a lot more reasonable.
Next thing to figure out is product images for Amazon. Stay tuned!
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